Thursday, April 10, 2014


I'll be honest, the waiting process is rough. I tried to stay occupied with schoolwork and sorority events, but all I wanted to know was if I was accepted. It's hard knowing that everything is now out of your hands, but I also felt that I couldn't have done anything differently. The waiting period is quite stressful, but I was hoping it would all be worth it!

Disney gives you a 2-3 week window frame in which you will hear an update on your status. This update could be an acceptance, a pending status (meaning that you will still be waiting), or the dreaded NLIC - No Longer In Consideration. I was accepted to the Disney College Program exactly 2 1/2 weeks after my Phone Interview, which was right in between the time frame.

I was working with a group for a school project, and we were finishing up our meeting. I quickly switched over to the tab with my Dashboard and pressed refresh one more time. Little did I know what had magically appeared on my notifications...
The most magical words in the world!
What a feeling that was. I had to zoom in and make sure I wasn't imagining things! I quickly told my family and then signed in to see what my role was! When I opened my offer letter and saw the bolded words: Vacation Planner, I was thrilled!! I couldn't believe that I had gotten one of my top role choices!

I've always wanted to be a Cast Member at Walt Disney World. I've always wanted to live minutes away from my favorite place, instead of halfway across the country. I've always wanted to spread the magic and become part of Walt Disney's legacy.

On February 28, 2014 at 3:06 PM, my dreams came true.
I've been dreaming of this email for years!

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