In 2008, we began blogging our vacations on the website, live from Walt Disney World. Each night, we post a written blog and pictures from that day's adventures. It is so great to have a daily diary of what we did on our vacations. It is also neat to look back and see how we have grown up at Disney over the years. I also strongly credit my enjoyment of writing and photography to our website and I am so thankful to have been able to explore and grow up having these passions.
We have met so many incredible people through our website. We love when families come up to us in the parks that recognize us from our site, and we have made so many wonderful friends. We have also received emails from people all around the world that write to say how much they enjoy our website or to ask us trip planning questions.
Disney World Live has become more than we ever imagined in the best way possible. We now find ourselves venturing out and exploring more of Walt Disney World than we probably would have. We have thousands of pictures on the site that capture so many of the wonderful memories we have had as a family. I will forever be appreciative of my family's website, and the Disney magic that it preserves and encourages.
To visit our website, click here: