Sunday, October 12, 2014

Part of the Dream

Yesterday was the busiest day of Food and Wine Festival season so far, bringing us the longest ticket booth lines I have ever seen. We had all 30 windows open, and there were lines back to the gate at every. single. booth. It was insanity. I loved being that busy, because it kept things fun and exciting.

Even in the chaos, it's important to remember why we're doing what we're doing. It's important to keep the Disney spirit in mind, always. In my job, I deal a lot with adults. Even when it's the whole family at the window, the adults are the ones that are deciding what they need to purchase. I love trying to include the kids in the interaction, too. Whether it's asking them what character they want on their card, or just talking to them about something they might be wearing or what they're excited to see and do.

Getting to be one of the first Cast Members that guests interact with on their vacation is one of my absolute favorite aspects of my role. Yesterday, I had a mom and dad at my window, with their 4 year old daughter, Nicole. I was talking to the little girl about her Minnie Mouse t-shirt while I was setting up their tickets, and the parents said something that really stuck with me. They said to their daughter, "Isn't the lady nice? Everyone that works here will be nice." The amount of trust that people have in the Disney brand is truly mind-blowing. This is one of the times that it really hit me that I work for one of the most respected and highly esteemed companies in the entire world. I love getting to be part of this legacy every day. 

As Walt once said, "You can design, create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality." I've always appreciated Cast Members, but from the inside looking out, I'm honored to be part of the dream and create the magic.
Proud to be a Cast Member

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